Dr. Palmer’s note: I apoligize for the emergency hospital info not showing up under the “About” menu. Here is the information until we get the page to show up:
We are very fortunate now to have three emergency clinics servicing our area. If you have an emergency with your pet that cannot wait, please contact one of the below emergency clinics and they will be able to help you:
Frederick Emergency Animal Hospital — 434 Prospect Bldv, Frederick 301-662-6622
Crossroads Animal Referral and Emergency (CARE) —1080 W. Patrcik St, Frederick 301-662-2273 (CARE)
Mountain View Animal Emergency —- 18501A Maugans Ave, Hagerstown 301-733-7339
Examples of emergencies that should not wait:
—Trauma cases— hit by car, fight wounds, falls/broken legs, eye trauma/painful eyes, hemorrhage/bleeding
—Persistant Vomiting or Diarrhea, especially if your pet appears weak or distressed
—Difficulty Breathing, Severe/persistant coughing
—Male cats or dogs straining but unable to urinate
—Toxin ingestion — rat poison, antifreeze, grapes/raisins, human medications
—Seizures, sudden behavior changes, inability to walk
—If you are unsure if your pet should be seen, please call one of the above emergency clinics