This post may be very mundane to many of you, but we have upgraded our phone system at Palmer Animal Hospital. Our previous system was basic office phones, and while they provided adequate service, we would actually get complaints about their function. So now we have installed an NEC DSX system that will allow us to better serve our clients. This system is amazing and will do more than we will ever need. Please let us know what you think of the new system and let us know what features we should continue to add.
In a related note, when the next phone book comes out, you will notice that we will no longer have a block ad in the Yellow Pages—only a line listing. We came to this decision after our phone number change back in March (thereby making the ad obsolete) and we saw no decrease in our phone traffic. We will also not be continuing our Yellow Pages Online listing as we found it obsurd that if you typed in “Veterinarian Myersville” we came up 20th on the list. Please rest assured that it will still be very easy to find and contact us. In addition to our new website and phone number, you can also reach us by email at .