Thanksgiving is a time of being thankful, of spending time with family and friends and of course, the food. With that being said, if you, your family, or your friends, have animals in the house, make sure that the only thing they eat are safe and healthy. We do not recommend giving table scraps to our pets at all, but to really keep things safe, here are some Thanksgiving Day food favorites to avoid as they can be harmful to your pet;
- Turkey skin- High fat foods, can become extremely hazardous to your pets health, such as the turkey skin. High fat foods can cause pancreitis in pets. Symptoms include stomach pains, vomiting, and lethargy.
- Cooked bones- Cooked turkey or ham bones are NOT safe for pets at all. They can splinter in the pets digestive tract and become extemely deadly to your pet. Make sure that you dispose of the bones carefully and our of reach so your dog doesnj’t find a way to get into it. We have had to surgically remove bones from both dogs and cats, so please keep them away from your pet!
- Onions and garlic- Sulfides and contained in onions and garlic, which are toxic to dogs and could lead to anemia. Cooking them dos not decrease the toxicity.
Chocolate- We all know chocolate is a HUGE no-no for dogs. Chocolate can be toxic for your dog, and not only will it cause GI upset, but high doses can cause overstimulation of the nervous system
- Dough & batter- Dough and batter can actually rise in your dog’s stomach leading to bloating and abdominal pains. We also know that dough and batter both contain raw eggs, which leads to Salmonella. So, just be cautious of this and make sure your pet isn’t around while you’re baking and clean up any spills immediatly.